Embrace the fact that you belong and are greatly loved


How we go through life is often times tied to where we stand on the beginning of everything. Do you believe that there is a Creator of everything we see? That is, it was not some cosmic explosion but there is a Superior Being that masterfully and purposefully created.

Since March 2020, we have been facing an ongoing deadly virus, social injustice, political unrest, economic crisis, gun violence and targeted attacks - just to name a few! Each of these pandemics has potential to shake the lives of people. In addition, adjustments must be made to insure emotional health and well being. What is our new normal? How do we make helpful changes to our living?


Where is our refuge? When does all this end? What if it does not end?

You are not alone if the circumstances of 2020 and the uncertainties of the future have caused anxiousness or anxiety in your inner being. Rest assured, this is a natural emotional response to everything we are facing.

The question for us is, “are we defined by our emotional responses to uncontrollable circumstances/events?”.

As a child, the love I knew my parents had for me was greater than any bully, any bad sport outing; any trouble I faced. I knew without a doubt my parents were there and would handle any trouble/“turbulence” encountered. Their love for me was protective, consistent and emotionally carried me through so many situations. Circumstances could not withstand the love of my parents!

This leads me to the greatest love in the world.

I am blessed to live on the West Coast where I can frequently go to the Pacific Ocean. Marveling at the power of the rolling and crashing waves which never breach beyond pre-ordained limits. In spite of wave upon wave, this holds true.

I delight in the sunsets and the ensuing glistening of stars. With my iPad, in hand, I can actually name the different constellations. There they are right in place…night after night.

But how?

I believe most of us look at the ocean, the sun, moon, stars, mountains…nature and we know there was a Creator of all of this. Was it all created just to show-off the power of a Superior Being or is it about something else? I will tell you - yes there is great power behind it all…but the real driver of what we see is one simple word…love.

In spite of all our angst, we are here because of love. There is a love that is not based on what we deserve; but, just because of our Creator. God the Creator’s character is love and is displayed faithfully in nature. He never withholds what we need. We count on Him providing the air we breathe. Whether we love back or not…we still have air that keeps us alive! What an amazing love.

So what does this have to do with the pandemics? Simply, expecting God’s love and care results in us staying mindful of the fact we are loved unconditionally; have a purpose and belong in this life - we will find that love always protects, always gives us hope and always gives us strength to persevere.

Think about it - reflect on when you have been bathed in love…at that moment what did you fear? Well - whether we ‘feel’ it or not - our Creator bathes our every breath with love. Savor the greatest love that has withstood time. These pandemics have nothing on the power of our Maker! Love casts out all fear!

-Joel Redmon

Published May 15, 2021

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