Do any of these statements apply or have you ever said these to yourself?
I experience vivid flashbacks.
It’s hard for me to remember specific details around the time in my life that I experienced a lot of change.
I find that I take on a lot more work and tasks when I’m faced with a new loss or change in my life.
I’m often angry /and have gotten good at not letting others know that.
I have a really hard time letting go of relationships and things in my life even when I know it’s not good for me.
Sleep disturbances (night terrors, night sweats) and/or fatigue are common for me even when I sleep for a long time.
I’m an emotional caregiver even in times when I need support myself.
I try to rewrite and re-experience the moments that have hurt me the most in my past.
I feel like I was robbed of a childhood.
I feel like I'm entirely responsible for all of the things that have happened to me.
I feel like I’m a burden and would rather not put my family through distress in any way.
I have a hard time setting boundaries with others and myself.
I feel responsible for others’ emotions.
I don’t feel safe in my body.
I feel shame in certain areas of my past even though I know it was out of my control.
I feel the need to drink or take substances to feel “normal”.
If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, there may be an issue. Please click HERE to contact us to talk about your next steps.
Remember, the more times you answered ‘Yes’, the higher the likelihood that an honest self-appraisal could benefit you. We’re here to help. Contact us anytime to discuss your results.
Addiction Quiz Courtesy of Carm Pileggi of Girls Gotta Heal